Little Elm Preschool

What is Little Roots Christian Academy?

LRCA is a Little Elm Preschool licensed by the state of Texas. We provide a program that focuses on the whole child, from their early education to their growing relationship with Jesus. This Lewisville Preschool supports and encourages play and friendship for ages 3-5 years old.

What does this Little Elm Preschool Offer?

LRCA offers enrichment classes during each school day. Enrichment programs are designed to give students a variety of options and allow them to explore learning in a whole new way. As part of our daily schedule, our classes participate in music, library, science, art, and Spanish. Each of these classes are offered once per week and they give students an opportunity to become more engaged in learning and to go beyond the daily classroom experience. Our enrichment teachers at this Little Elm Preschool are experts in their field and are passionate about teaching young children.

LRCA also offers chapel time. We believe that children should be engaging with Jesus daily. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Direct children onto the right path and when they are older, they will not depart from it.” Each afternoon our classes engage in worship and bible stories as part of our daily curriculum.
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Physical Activity at this Little Elm Preschool

LRCA strongly believes and supports the need for physical activity each day. Our program has many opportunities for physical activity throughout our day. All children will have a minimum of 30 minutes of outdoor play each day. When children participate in physical activity every day, multiple health benefits accrue. Regular physical activity builds healthy bones and muscles, improves muscular strength and endurance, reduces the risk for developing chronic disease risk factors, improves self-esteem, and reduces stress and anxiety. Beyond these known health effects, physical activity may also have beneficial influences on academic performance. In addition, cognitive skills and motor skills appear to develop through dynamic interaction. Research has shown that physical movement can affect the brain’s physiology. All children will participate in a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous active play each day. Opportunities for active play may overlap with outdoor play when the weather permits. This Little Elm Preschool will promote all children’s active play every day. Children will have ample opportunity to do moderate to vigorous activities, such as running, climbing, dancing, skipping, and jumping, to the extent of their abilities. All children will participate each day in: One 30-minute occasions of active play outdoors when weather permits, one or more structured or teacher-led activities or games that promote movement over the course of the day, and continuous opportunities to develop and practice age-appropriate gross motor and movement skills. Physical activity may take place in the classroom or on the playground when the weather permits. When participating in physical activity, children’s clothing should protect them from sun exposure and permit easy movement (not too loose and not too tight) that enables full participation in active play. Footwear should provide support for running and climbing. Examples of appropriate clothing/footwear include tennis shoes or sturdy shoe equivalent. Clothing for the weather, such as a lightweight, breathable jacket. Examples of inappropriate clothing/footwear include footwear that can come off while running or that provide insufficient support for climbing and clothing that can catch on playground equipment, such as those with drawstrings or loops. When weather conditions prohibit outdoor play, physical activities will occur in the classroom or in the downstairs foyer during the scheduled outside time. Classroom teachers have activities planned for “rainy days”. During the warmer months, children will participate in water activities (water tables or sprinkler activities).

What is the outdoor area like at this Little Elm Preschool?

Our students will have outside recess time each day as the weather permits. Our playground meets all licensing requirements and is inspected daily to ensure safety. Each class will have proper supervision during play time. There are playhouses, hula hoops, balls, basketball hoops, picnic tables, pretend lawnmowers, and small riding tractors.

What kind of curriculum is used at this Little Elm Preschool?

With our varied ages at LRCA, we make sure that each child is working at their developmental level. We love our Pocket of Preschool curriculum because it offers differentiated levels of play-based activities and fun thematic units that support an engaging classroom environment. It nurtures and challenges little learners. We also include character and social skill activities throughout our day.

At this Little Elm Preschool, we know the importance of planting seeds at an early age. We love our bible curriculum because its engaging and easy for young learners to understand. They enjoy fun bible stories, hands on activities, and are learning who they are in Jesus and how much God loves them.

What type of program is offered at this Little Elm Preschool?

LRCA offers two programs per calendar year. School Year Program (August-May) and Summer Program (June-July). Parents must register each year and specify which program.

Our school year program focuses on math, literacy, and Bible with many engaging hands-on activities. Our biweekly thematic units keep learning fun and exciting for students.

Our Summer program has a different theme each week with lots of crafts., learning activities, Bible, and outdoor time. Just because its Summer, doesn’t mean the learning needs to stop!

What makes this Little Elm Preschool different from the others?

At LRCA, we are more than just a preschool! We believe in partnering with the families to help each child grow and succeed. We believe children are successful when they are in a caring structured environment. Every one of our students feels loved from the minute they walk through the door. Each child is a gift from God and is important, valued, and has a purpose!

What is Chapel Time?

What makes this Little Elm Preschool extra special is Chapel time that is offered each day. Chapel begins with worship where students are able to sing about Jesus, dance, and have fun praising God!

For Bible time, at the beginning of the year we start by teaching who Jesus is and our identity in Him. We are loved! Next, we learn about how God created everyone unique and that we should love others. We teach about diversity and share how God made us all different. Then we begin learning the stories of the Bible. Each week we focus on a new story. We use a variety of teaching strategies to share our bible stories, from acting it out, reading books, using props or puppets, and crafts.

Tell me about your Enrichment Classes at this Little Elm Preschool.

Art Enrichment

We learn about shapes, colors, textures, and famous artists while incorporating fine motor skills and critical thinking. Art encourages focus and concentration, which can have positive impacts on other aspects of a child’s academics. Students can express themselves creatively at a young age and have fun in the process!

Music and Movement Enrichment

Music cultivates the mind and heart like nothing else and ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during their early years helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words.

Library Enrichment

Diverse storytimes, access to books, art activities, and opportunities to role play – all of these things foster brain development and early literacy and math skills. One of the most important experiences that our library enrichment program provides is an opportunity to develop a love of books and reading.

Science Enrichment

Science is a key subject for children to learn about as they grow. Science encourages types of learning such as critical thinking and problem solving which will be applicable in the rest of their lives in and out of the classroom. Other skills include communication skills, collaborative skills, and team working skills. Science helps expand vocabulary by using scientific terms that are age appropriate.

Spanish Enrichment

Studying Spanish increases children’s understanding of the English language and how different languages evolve. It helps with literacy in English, enhances problem solving, attentional control, and the ability to switch tasks. We learn about colors, letters, numbers, feelings, and vocabulary words in Spanish through songs, games, and hands-on activities.

Does this Little Elm Preschool offer part time as well?

LRCA knows that different families have different needs, so we offer a variety of program options. Our full time students come to school Monday through Friday, while our part time students come on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday and Thursday.

Our preschool follows the school district calendar.